Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A thought for today

"But keep on preaching, preaching and heal the world
Lip service makes up look great

Do you feel
The weight of the world singing sorrow
Or to you is it just not real
Cause you got your things
Yeah we all have our things I guess

I guess my mind wanders off from time to time
Sometimes I convince myself that all is fine in the world
It's not mine
Why should I have to try to fix things I didn't create or contrive


Have the habits Had you
Has it been for long
Can you feel the souls behind what's going on" - The Rocket Summer

I was listening to this song and I realizes that it epitomizes our society... You often here us talking about how we need to help the weak or stand up for our beliefs, but think about the times you have. Again, we talk about the situatioh in Darfur and how we should help, but have you? Our society is all talk in my opinion. We'd love to help if it was the easiest way, but it's not convinient to us or we think that we didn't start the fire, so we have no reason to help. Our lives are nothing compared to what so many go through, but our things are more important, right? How can you take yourself seriously when all you do is talk. Get over yourselves and act! Stop passing someone in the halls that needs help and not helping. It takes no effort at all... who cares who's watching.