In your entire life, I bet that you've noticed how easy it is to fall into sin repetitively. Am I right? In Isaiah 6:10 it says "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, Lest they should see with their eyes, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them." I found myself falling into sin and I felt like "Why didn't God stop me?" Before I'd even cracked open my bible, God spoke through me to someone else. What I remember saying was "God lets us fall into sin because we have to see for ourselves that it's wrong. We know in our hearts that it is wrong and we have to realize that and we run to God for help." It hit me so powerfully when I had read that, knowing that God had spoke through me. I felt like a prophet and it was pretty darn cool. But in all reality, sin is a part of everyday life and when we sin we also recognize that it's wrong. Run to God for His forgiveness and He's ready to heal you. If we don't recognize our own sin, God isn't going to help us. It seems harsh, but we have to recognize it to want forgiveness.
If I were me then I'd be right where I am.
12 years ago