It seems like I haven't written a really blog in ages. One with scripture and all. And aside from my poems, which honestly bore people that don't like poetry. So maybe you can appreciate this blog. I pose a question to you: Which is right? To obey man, or God? The obvious answer is to obey God. But I bet you're now thinking of which one you actually choose. Which brings the second questiong: Who do you follow? God or Man? Those two questions obviously have a right answer, but no wrong one. They do contain a truthful answer though.
More often then not, we choose the ways of man because it's easier than God's path. A lot of people think God is some stuck up spiritual monarch making life hard, but all he wants to do is make you strong. It's like if you want to lose weight: Man is the brownie and God is salad. The salad sure doesn't taste good like a brownie, but in the long run is better. That darn delicious brownie is going to give you indigestion and hour later, but the salad makes you feel healthier. (If that analogy did any good, give me a holla.) In Acts 4, this council is telling Peter and John to stop spreading knowledge of Jesus but they reply, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking of what we have seen and heard." In a nutshell, God is coolier than these other peeps who are just going to make you bloated(refer back to the brownie analogy), so you should do God's will. I know it takes a while to get God's words out of your mouth, but think about that verse when you're face with a brownie-salad decision.
If I were me then I'd be right where I am.
12 years ago