Good things happen
Along with the bad
It's the way this world works
We look to much at the bad
We focus on the negative
Why not look to the good
And start each day with the son in our hearts?
How is that we are almost programed
To hate what opposes us
To hate the challenges
Why not embarce what you are given
Take it as a chnace to grow
Our hearts slowly grow cold
Until there is no feeling left
And you lay there only numb
Don't let your fire go out
Don't be left in the shadow of death
Revive the fire that once lit the world
Bring it back to dominate the ice
Hold tight to what you believe in
Don't be swayed even though temptations are strong
You're stonger with the son lighting the world
Step into it with a knowing heart
Always knowing that things can be better
If I were me then I'd be right where I am.
12 years ago