Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eggs.... yes eggs.

A week or so ago, I was sitting in Biology doing a lab called "Psychedelic Milk" which has nothing to do with what I'm going to tell you. But everyone knows that you need a setting. So somehow, we get on the subject of Easter eggs and how the color somehow makes it on the inside of the shell. Haven't you ever wondered how that is? It's because the shell has pores. The yolk of the egg is the chicken, right? Wrong. The whites of the egg are actually the beginning of the chicken! I was totally surprised 'cause it was just plain weird to me. But the yellow part of that egg is where the little chicken white thingy gets energy and all. It's not connected to it's Mamma like we are, ya know? Bet you never thought of that. The chicken thingy pulls stuff from the yolk to live and develope. The chicken kinda becomes what was in that yellow gunk. That's how people should be. Our inside should match our outside. I don't mean we should be all squishy and slimy on the outside. I mean that who we are inside should be projected outward. Thinks tend to go askew when who were are inside is totally different from how people see us. You need to together. Like the egg, we need to become one whole person with one personality. If you have a multi-personalities... pull yourself together... When you act different then how you feel... think eggs. Whatever is inside needs to be part of who you are, whether you like it or not.

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