Thursday, October 25, 2007

A shoulder to cry on

She looks to the ground as people walk by
With stares of pity and a heart on the floor
She just wants to go home
To live freely and to fly
To be not afraid to live or to die
Only few people her know her by her heartS
he wishes everyone could understand
The pain she felt when taken away
She hurts to much and she can't even say
What is on her mind, the pain that blinds
That she would rather be anywhere but here
Even to die

I'm here to say that even the strongest people need help sometimes. It's like the Roman Empire, it was great for a long time, but it eventually fell. To stay strong all the time is sometimes a lot to ask for. When someone needs you, be there for them. Don't think that you have better things to do, because the best thing you could be doing is talking to them and helping them out of the hole that they're in. To have friends, you need to be a friend. Friends help each other out when you feel so much pain, when you feel like dying. Without them, I don't know where I'd be right now. Be thankful for the people in your life, don't ever take them for granted.

A smile from you makes the sun shine on a cloudy day
And makes all of my troubles melt away
When you smile, you seem to glow
And I have yet to see that face go
When times are hard, you look to the Light
And you fight the bad with all of your might
I wish I could always be just like you
And to be not afriad to smile true

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